Sundsvall Basket Identity
BBK Sundsvall is a basketball team in Northern Sweden. Its former team Sundsvall Dragons went into flames. From its ashes, the Phoenix arises. The reborn team needed a new identity while keeping its players' and fans' familiarity to the club and also reducing new investments in form of equipment.

The Logo

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The Sundsvall Basket logo is designed to be similar to the old team’s logo, keeping the elements and colors the same. This is to help keep the brand awareness already established for years as well as to allow the reuse of expensive investments in equipment by the former club.

The new logo is assymetrical on purpose, as the old one. It is always going to be right-aligned – “moving forward”.


The wordmark is inspired by Sundsvall City’s history.
Not only the symbol is inspired by a historical event, it also represents the city’s passion for basketball – Always playing with fire.
