Start Up
The users need to sign up to be able for the app to fulfill its function. Users also need to confirm their age. To protect their integrity, this has to be done without having to input their personal identification numbers. This eliminates an easy login option in Sweden – BankID.
By making the users drag a slider to confirm their age, they are forced to actively interact with the app. No blindly pressing “Yes, I’m over 18” or manually inputting their age which again, is not an option.
UI Kit

Access, Payment & Visitor management
The app’s main function is to replace keys, access cards and cash/credit cards within an establishment.
This is represented by the app’s main graphic element – the white card.
All Access, Payment and Visitor interactions stay within the card for easy orientation.
The app allows users to open doors and gates using digital access such as NFC, Bluetooth, QR-codes or online keys instead of traditional devices and objects.
The user can pay for products with fixed prices or time controlled access like coffee from connected machines, vending machines, parking, charging stations or rooms.
The host can create an invitation to a guest. The guest automatically gets access rights on the meeting schedule and can use the app to unlock doors and gates.
Drop-in visit
Visitors can register a drop-in visit through a connected device in the office lobby. The app issues a notification and allows the host to accept or deny a visit.
Reports are easily accessed through the menu where all access, purchases and meetings are logged.