CampTrac Catalogue
The CampTrac product catalogue is aimed towards camping sites, RV parks, harbours and resorts. I helped update the product catalogue into a more profitable resource and help build the brand with a more modern look and better tonality.

Increased profitability – By changing the format and design elements, we made the CampTrac catalogue easier and cheaper to produce, able to reach more potential clients.

Modern look – The goal is to attract new clients with an updated design while keeping recognizability among existing ones. The catalogue has a summer magazine feel instead of just being boring and technical.

Better readability – With good typhography and adding images and icons, the catalogue is easier to read and understand which helps clients better understand unique product selling points that turn into sale conversions.

Images & Illustrations

Camptrac is a technical system and requires a lot of information to be understood by customers to decide why they should buy Camptrac products. The solution to this is to use images and illustrations that show functions and features better.

The creation of the catalogue required product photography, image editing and creating vector illustrations.