The Old Process
The old process requires plenty of tidious manual labor, and a number of tools and programs to complete. Due to the process being very prone to errors, two people are required to double-check if the barcodes generated match with the corresponding product.
Step 1
Generate EAN code for carton.
Generate EAN code for selling unit.
Generate UPC code for carton.
Generate UPC code for selling unit.
Download all 4 barcode images.
Step 2
In illustrator template,
Insert EAN code for carton.
Insert EAN code for selling unit.
Insert UPC code for carton.
Insert UPC code for selling unit.
Export PDF.
Step 3
With 2 people,
Check EAN code for carton with product SKU.
Check EAN code for selling unit with product SKU.
Check UPC code for carton with product SKU.
Check UPC code for selling unit with product SKU.
Step 4
Send off checked PDF to printer.
time spent (min)
(At least..)
Refined Process
With the new process, barcodes are automatically generated within the same program.
This reduces the steps and personnel required while completely eliminating human error at the same time.
Step 1
Instert product name into the shipping carton maker.
Step 2
Export PDF.
Step 3
Send off to printer.